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RaeAnn Lessing
Administrative Assistant to the Director of Business/Transportation
717-867-7600 x5011
Leslie Light
Administrative Assistant to Cleona Elementary School Principal
Cleona Elementary School
(717) 867-7640 x3932
Laurie Lingenfelter
High School Principal
Annville-Cleona Secondary School
717-867-7700 x4950
Erin Lingle
Kindergarten Teacher
Cleona Elementary School
717-867-7640 x3133
Nina Long
Grade 1 Teacher
Cleona Elementary School
Thomas Long
Assistant Principal/Athletic Director
Annville-Cleona Secondary School
(717) 867-7700 x4952
Maureen Long
Central Registration Specialist
(717) 867-7600 x5006
Rachel Ludwig
K-2 Learning Support/Virtual Teacher
Cleona Elementary School
717-867-7640 x3101
Jonathan Lum
Social Studies
Annville-Cleona Secondary School
717-867-7700 x4204
Christine MacDonald
Elementary Administrative Assistant
Cleona Elementary School
717-867-7640 x3933
John Maldonado
School Resource Officer
717-867-7700 x 4993
Katelyn Martin
Grade 3 Teacher
Annville Elementary School
(717) 867-7620 x2111
Sierra Martz
Autistic Support Teacher
Cleona Elementary School
717-867-7620 x3125
Jillian Matusiak
Special Education/English Teacher
Annville-Cleona Secondary School
717-867-7700 x4101
Alesha Mauger
Annville Elementary School
Wesley McCurdy
Annville-Cleona Secondary School
Kathleen McFeaters
Grade 3 Teacher
Annville Elementary School
(717) 867-7620 x2113
Tessa Medeiros
Art Teacher
Cleona Elementary School
717-867-7640 x6234
Michael Merry
Grade 4 Teacher
Annville Elementary School
(717) 867-7620 x2106
Dean Metzgar
Science Teacher
Annville-Cleona Secondary School
(717) 867-7700 x4222