Business Office
The Annville-Cleona School District business office oversees the budgeting, accounting, payroll, benefits, transportation, child accounting, food service, and facilities of the district. The Nutrition Group directly supervises the school lunch program. The business office team includes the staff listed below. Within these pages, you will find information as it pertains to the budget and fiscal operations.

Mr. Steven Ritter
Director of Business
717-867-7600 ext. 5001
Business Office Announcements
Request for Taxpayer Identification Number
Annville-Cleona School District vendors need to complete the Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification form (W-9) in order to receive payment from the district. Please see the attached PDF version of the file:
Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification form (W-9)

Mrs. Bonnie Balmer
Accounts Payable/Purchasing Coordinator
717-867-7600 ext. 5010

Ms. RaeAnn Lessing
Administrative Assistant to the Director of Business/Transportation
717-867-7600 ext. 5011

Mrs. Maureen Long
Central Registration Specialist
717-867-7600 ext. 5006

Ms. Vanessa Miller
Payroll & Benefits Coordinator
717-867-7600 ext. 5005