District Information

The Annville-Cleona School District is a small, public school district in Lebanon County, Pennsylvania. It covers Annville Township, Borough of Cleona, North Annville Township, and South Annville Township. The district encompasses 39.22 square miles. It serves a resident population of 12,266. According to the 2021 Census data, the district residents’ per capita income was $32,834, while the median family income was $73,501.
In the 2022-2023 school year, the Annville-Cleona School District provided basic educational services to 1,454 pupils through the employment of 121 teachers, 47 full-time and part-time support personnel, and 13 administrators. The annual operating budget budget is approximately $32.1 million dollars and our per pupil expenditure is about $14,800. The district subgroups are composed of 31.3% Economically Disadvantaged, 1.8% English Language Learners, 0.6% Foster students, 5.4% Gifted, 1.3% Homeless, and 15.6% Special Education.
The district operates Annville-Cleona Secondary School (grades 7-12), Annville Elementary (grades 3-6), and Cleona Elementary (Kindergarten-grade 2). We also operate our own virtual school for students in grades K-12 called Dutchmen Virtual Academy (DVA).

District office
520 South White Oak Street
Annville, PA 17003
Annville-Cleona Middle/High School
520 South White Oak Street
Annville, PA 17003
Annville Elementary School
205 South White Oak Street
Annville, PA 17003
Cleona Elementary School
50 East Walnut Street
Cleona, PA 17042