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Andrea Harrell
Administrative Assistant to Athletic Director/Assistant Principal
Annville-Cleona Secondary School
(717) 867-7700 x4953
Jeffrey Hartung
Technology Education Teacher
Annville-Cleona Secondary School
717-867-7700 x4320
Emily Hauck
Grade 1 Teacher
Cleona Elementary School
717-867-7640 x3103
Joseph Hawk
Cleona Elementary School
(717) 867-7640 x6324
Marleigh Heavel
K-2 Autistic Support Teacher (CLM)
Cleona Elementary School
717-867-7640 x3124
Joseph Heckard
Social Studies Teacher
Annville-Cleona Secondary School
(717) 867-7700 x4226
Liz Heckard
Life Skills Teacher
Annville-Cleona Secondary School
717-867-7700 x4117
Danielle Heisler
Assistant to the Superintendent
717-867-7600 x5002
Kristin Heller
Reading Teacher
Annville-Cleona Secondary School
(717) 867-7700 x4207
Caitlin Heller
Biology Teacher
Annville-Cleona Secondary School
(717) 867-7700 x4221
James Helock
Science Teacher
Annville-Cleona Secondary School
(717) 867-7700 x4215
Angela Hentz
Annville Elementary School
717-867-7620 x2928
Beth Herman
Grade 4 Teacher
Annville Elementary School
(717) 867-7620 x2107
Jena Hill
Personal Care Assistant
Cleona Elementary School
Stacie Hill
Executive Assistant to the Superintendent
717-867-7600 x5004
Jason Hill
Director of Buildings & Grounds
(717) 867-7600 x5080
Abe Hitz
Gifted Teacher
Annville Elementary School
717-867-7620 ext 2013
Rebecca Hoover
Annville Elementary Principal
Annville Elementary School
717-867-7620 x 2920
Kailey Horning
Cleona Elementary School
Wendy Horning
Instructional Aide/Cafe Monitor
Cleona Elementary School