School Board
Board of Annville-Cleona School District Directors

Back Row: Mr. Brent Copenhaver-President, Mr. Robert Evans, Mr. Darren Grumbine, Mr. Christopher Sirriannia,
Front Row: Mrs. Sara Fiebig-Vice President, Dr. Kathy Blouch, Mrs. Cynthia Eby, Mrs. Colleen Shay, Mrs. Heather Hostetter.
About Us
The School Board of Annville-Cleona School District is organized for the purpose of providing a program of public education to serve the needs of the Commonwealth.
Work Session meetings of the Board shall be public and will be held on the first Monday of the month at 6:00 p.m. except for changes noted on the annually approved Board meeting calendar. All meetings will be held in the District Office board room unless otherwise arranged.
Regular meetings of the Board shall be public and will be held on the second Monday of the month at 6:00 p.m. except for changes noted on the annually approved Board meeting calendar. All meetings will be held in the District Office board room unless otherwise arranged.
For any other questions, you may contact:
Mrs. Stacie Hill
Board Secretary
717-867-7600 ext 5004