Attendance - Absences & Daily Transportation Changes

If your child will be absent from school for any reason, for either the entire day just part of the day, please contact the building attendance secretary. This email address can also be used to change your child's transportation needs for the day at the elementary level.

Secondary School

Mrs. Sara Daubert
Secondary Administrative Assistant - Attendance
717-867-7700 ext 4961

Annville Elementary

Mrs. April Miller
Elementary Administrative Assistant - Attendance
717-867-7620 ext 2923

Cleona Elementary

Christine MacDonald

Mrs. Christine MacDonald
Elementary Administrative Assistant - Attendance
717-867-7620 ext 3933

ATTENDANCE REMINDERS - please see the Parent/Student Handbook for complete details or call your child’s school with any questions.

  • Students must submit a note to the office within three days of returning to school from

    an absence. Notes can either be sent to school with your child, or scanned in and emailed the attendance email.

  • Students are permitted 10 days (any combination) of sick days accompanied with a note

    by a parent and/or family trip days involving a completed trip form.

  • More than 10 days sick and/or family trips may result in a “doctor’s excuse requirement.”

  • Days absent without a note three days after return will result in the absence being coded

    as “unexcused.”

  • Three days of unexcused absences will result in a truancy letter being issued.

  • Six days of unexcused absence will result in a second truancy letter as well as the

    scheduling of a Student Attendance Improvement Plan (SAIP) meeting. Future days will

    be coded as unlawful and could result in a citation.

  • Communication is paramount regarding your child’s attendance. Please contact your

    child’s school with any questions.