Arrival and Dismissal
Doors to the school do not open in the morning until 8:15 am. Any student arriving after 8:50 a.m., is considered tardy, and the student will need to be dropped off at the school office. Changes to transportation will not be accepted after 2:45 p.m. In order to change your child’s transportation, the office must receive a note signed by the parent/guardian. If being picked up, the note should indicate the individual picking up the student.
Walkers - Students that walk to and from school will use the doors on the north playground off of Marshall St. Doors open at 8:15 a.m.. A staff member to monitor students will not be on duty until 8:15 a.m. Students should not arrive at school prior to 8:15 a.m. Dismissal of walkers will occur at 3:20 p.m.
Bus Riders - Bus students enter the building at the main office and are dropped off in the bus loop. Students will be dismissed to their bus at 3:20 as busses arrive.
Car Riders - During arrival, all students being dropped off by parents/guardians should use the Car Rider entrance off of Marshall St. Please see the diagram above for the location. For student safety, car rider drop off is not permitted in the bus loop between 8:15-8:50 a.m.
During dismissal, 3rd and 4th grade car riders and their sibling(s) will dismiss from the north playground doors off of Marshall St. All students will receive a card with their last name on the first day of school. The card should be placed on the passenger side dash so that the aide can relay your child’s name for dismissal. Parents should line-up along Marshall St. and then exit onto route 934 after receiving their child. Please do not “double park” due to oncoming traffic from route 934.
5th and 6th grade car riders will be dismissed from the south playground door directly to their parent/guardian’s car on High Street.
Crossing Guards - Crossing guards are available for walkers to cross route 934, Marshall St., and the Marshall St./S. Lancaster St. intersection.